Why in hell aren't the rest of you playing this quiz?! Ridiculous amounts of stuff are being given away here.
The victory margin over six weeks was exactly 100 points, with KSoFM averaging 123.2 points/game to The Docs' 106.5 points/game. KSoFM won first place 3 of 6 times.
The team won the limited edition PBR bike, as well as a stack of trivia/reference board games and books I was saving for this purpose. They also won Smirnoff visors, Jose Cuervo T-shirts and Philadelphia Eagles can cozies, a must for the sensitive hand and the warm beer. This was on top of a $25 gift card to Drinker's.
We also gave T-shirts to another team, as well as two three-month free gym memberships.
There are drink specials and opportunities to win beverages throughout the night. Again: why are you not playing here?!
It looks like the plan is to trade the bike to Bob & Barbara's for alcohol, or failing that sell it "to a hipster" on Craigslist or through some similar venue. I'll keep you updated as to what happens, and anyone wanting to purchase the bike can contact the folks through this site/me.
The next cumulative six-week tournament starts this coming Tuesday. The Big Prize will be a Tuaca Chiller Machine, which retails as you can see for $325. You can chill any variety of alcohol in there you like. I will be supplementing this with trivia games and books, etc., and every week every team is eligible for a $25 Drinker's gift certificate as well as T-shirts and a variety of other prizes. It really is quite a generous quiz.
Beautiful Gold: King Shit of Fuck Mountain 121
So-So Silver: The Docs 96
Shameful, Shameful Bronze: Moose Knuckles* 61
* team started late
Final Standings in First Tournament, Top Five Teams
King Shit of Fuck Mountain 739 The Docs 639
www.IHateKoopman.com 302
That's My Bike!!! 232
Tiger 135