Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Democratic nominee poll results and new poll posted

The anemic results of my last poll are in. Two people thought Hillary Clinton would be the 2008 Democratic nominee, and one each voted for Edwards, Obama and, I assume either not understanding the question or as a joke, Gravel.

The poll I'm posting today is a bit more interesting. For the first time I'm going to let you vote for as many people as you like, once each. The question is who you would like to win the Democratic nomination. Vote for the the people you wouldn't mind seeing get the nod, regardless of how well you think they'll do. If you don't like someone, obviously don't vote for them. I'll do the Republicans next.

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Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's just my crappy-ass computer, but the choices for the poll aren't showing up.

Chris Randolph said...

It might be an IP address issue; did Mousewink vote?