Thursday, May 17, 2007

How the Top Ten All-Time Scores List works

Over on the right side of the page I've posted a Top Ten All Time High Scores List. Just to briefly explain how the list is compiled:

If any team ties or beats the lowest score on the list, they earn a place on it. Right now that lowest of the high scores is 158 points earned out of 212 possible points, which is written 158/212. The potential points vary because sometimes people shout out answers to questions, which invalidates them, I toss the question from scoring and this lowers the total possible score.

In the event of a high-scoring tie, I'd credit the team that wins the tiebreaker one additional point, which would give us a score out of 213 points. This hasn't happened yet and in all the quizzes I've hosted thus far we've had only a tie, for second place, once.

If two teams score 180 points, but one does it with 211 available instead of 212, I'll rank the 180/211 higher than the 180/212. If scores and available points are identical, I simply use chronological order (dates indicated). You earn the score earlier, you get ranked higher.

The asterisk indicates a team won the game the night they made the All-Time High Score List; note that this doesn't always happen.

Also note that we have 4 teams tied for the 10th slot at the moment with 158 points, therefore we have 13 teams on the top "ten" list at the moment. This is the way it shall remain until someone hits 159 or higher, at which point all 4 team names/dates will be scattered to the four winds. Fame is a harsh mistress.

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