Sunday, April 1, 2007

The answers to this week's tough questions

Obviously you'll want to skip down to the next post if you haven't seen the questions yet... I'll give you some space here...

Secret Theme, 5 points/question plus 8 for figuring out the logical thread that runs through the answers:

1) Good Morning Vietnam
2) Kites

3) Reprise Records
4) Peppers
5) Educating Rita
6) Sgt.
7) Hearts
8) 64
9) Diamond
10) "Ringo"

BONUS: What's the theme of these answers? Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band; "The Beatles" wasn't specific enough, sorry.

Unreasonably Difficult Round, 6 points each correct answer:

1) Be put to death in the electric chair
2) "In the Year 2525" - Zager & Evans
3) Ouagadougou
4) 5
5) Brandenburg Gate (Brandenburger Tor)

6) Icelandic
7) Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
8) Untouchables
9) The Beatles' moptop haircuts - a protest against "the bourgeois horrors of Hamburg!"
10) Lithium

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