Sunday, August 17, 2008

The blog's little hiatus

A number of folks have asked me what's been up with the blog.  Essentially I bumped it down my priority list for a few weeks and only updated the minimal essentials.

I haven't taken any sort of actual vacation in a year (in fact I just keep adding work).  In the past few weeks I opened up another income stream for myself which is completely unrelated to the quiz, and that required some time investment too, at least at start-up.

France shuts down in August so people can enjoy life for a few weeks, and that seems a good model so far as I'm concerned.  Very civilized.

Honestly I get almost no feedback of any sort on the blog from people who actually play the games most of the time.  Every now and then I offend someone in Estonia or from a Jehovah's Witness splinter group, but actual quiz player comments are very rare.  I've gotten more emails, comments left here and in-person comments about the blog in the past few weeks by leaving it be than I have in the past half year of actively updating it.

You can always feel free to post comments on any post you like.  If nothing else this lets me know that it's worth doing.

I'm going to return to the normal content updates, hopefully a little reenergized by the break.
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